Thursday, December 20, 2012

A Reason To Hug Your Children Just a Little Bit Tighter

   I know a lot of better informed, well educated, and more in the know people have probably written about the shooting in Newtown, Ct. As a resident of Ct. I have thought alot about this event. All I got to say is...Please hug your child a little more. Thank God ( Allah, Shiva, The Goddess, or the great unfeeling void if that's your belief) that you still can, We will never know truly why this fucking coward of a man did what he did..Yup that's right he was a coward. He shot at children , unarmed educators, and ruined a sanctuary. He then  could not even have the sack to let the cops kill him the fucking dink. Sorry he deserved death but a slow agonising one ..Preferably at the hands of every single family to lose a child. I have been a cold person..Some say heartless....But sorry I have no sympathy for this POS of a POS ( ain't even gonna call him a man) . I don't care if he was mentally ill. I don't care if he was swayed by rock music, drugs, or even violent video games..Motherfucker should burn. It could of been my easily as it could of been yours. Don't forget that...Love your children a little harder tonight. The are gonna need it.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

A Business That Only Makes Money is a Poor Business

    That is a quote from Henry Ford. A man no one in this country will argue was a great businessman. This man states quite clearly that a business needs to make more then just money...God where is that sentiment now! I stand before a man of below average mean...Umm working poor if you will.  That's right I work forty hours and still sit quite uncomfortably under the poverty line of America. Now as much as I know I can turns this into a political rant bout the evils of big corporations, I don't mean to. I said that to say this...
    This blog I wanna try to show my steps to stop being a below average man to a man who has a chance to attain that American Dream. I will be talking a lot bout school ( I wanna be a veterinary assistant), work , and a shit ton of cool stuff that goes on in my life....Hope you come along for my ride people its gonna be a fun one!!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Just A Little About Me...

     I figured its about time I told you about myself. If you already know me feel free to skip to the bad jokes. Although, you might want more insight into me either way. I have lived a somewhat interesting life. One of my friends said I could write a book  and it would sell...I mean what do you call a book about a life time ghetto bunny? A Tale of Two Projects?  the Call of the Crackhead? Anywho, Its been a life both blessed and made harder by personal choices.
    To get this story started, I came into this world feet first. I like to say I came in kicking and screaming and just stayed that way . I was born to a single drug addicted mother and a father who decided the better part of valor was a quick escape. I lived a few years and time passed as it does. I spent a few years with family as my ma decided to clean up her act. ( AND by decided ) I mean that police came and raided the place of course. Besides growing up with a Grandma and Aunts instead of a mother and father my life was normal barring a few major blow outs and the occasional fight.
      At age ten, I moved back in with a clean and sober ma and lived with her until I was eighteen. I met a few friends. I dated a few girls. The usual of lives was lived. I also gained a sister who I say I helped raise.
      At eighteen I was thrown out due to a combination of overage boning and weed consumption. My ma was back to smoking and I was boning my girlfriend. A honest lie to get out the house and a fight later I was living on my own..well next to my Grandma. What can I say in rough times alot of times I turned to my grandmother. I know probably my family would assume I can't stand them or that I am some kind of black sheep. I always wanted to please them. I never could so I stopped trying. This was a hard choice and lead to many fights...
         That would continue until I was married and had kids of my own. That's right I had progeny. They will be forever known as Bone, Tank, and Princess. Marriage and fatherhood ain't easy. it is also two things that while I do okay it hardly been something that comes natural. There has been growing pains and frustration but least I didn't run away...Just saying ....Not looking at either my ma and pa.....or saying that they left me emotional unable to cope....:) 
           Now I am older  ( or just old that works too) and Its been a fun roller coaster ride being me. I mean who else can say that they got a ride to work from a crackhead. Or got fired by a guy who also got fired for stealing lol. I have met celebrities and low lives. Have had welfare Christmases and tax day shopping sprees ..
             Guess the only thing to say about me is a quote from a wrestler that I like..Anytime they think they have the answer. I change the questions lol....   

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The second Time is Just as Fine...

-Dead Drop-

BOOM went the ticker.
Dead dropped the man .
His heart attacked.
He lost the war.
No quarter given.
No mercy shown.
No glory to the winner.
No honor to the slain.
He dug his own grave...
With that fork and knife in his hand.

BOOM went that ticker.
Suck that smoke down.
Lungs revolted.
Addiction came calling.
He was too weak to put it down...

    So that was written with myself in mind. I guess you can say that was a little personal, but you Dear Reader don't know me that well do you? So I am gonna take the time to introduce myself to you. Hi ! My name is Jais the Wolf and I write poetry...You knew that already ? Well I also work at the Salt Mines. Its a fast food joint with Arches and Clowns if ya know what I mean. I am 32 but an kinda young at heart. My heart on the other hand is old..and enlarged lol. I wanna say I am your stereotypical slacker but eh..slacker is so mainstream!

Well figured I will give you another poem to chew on..Feel free to critique at will I would love to start a conversation bout it...

-Circles in Cycles in Poetry in Devotion-

Master of the House...
Slave to all he surveys...
Sold his own black soul...
To live out his days.

Poetry in Devotion..
Lost forever in prayer.
It is a never ending game
And life hardly plays fair.

Cycles in circles..
The maze of the lost.
It is now or never.
Mother fuck the cost.

The excuses he made...
Were always paper thin.
He lost the nerve,
But what was the sin?

Cyclic motion...
Treading water till he is dead.
Mazes in mazes...
Drowning in red ink over his head.

Running down tumbled down alleys
In this forgotten city of hate.
He ran head long...
Into Hell's fiery gate.

Forever is a very long time...
To say today is the day.
Time to end this sadistic rat race...
Time to say no fucking way.

Monday, November 26, 2012

The first of many...or so I hope.

So this is my second blog and I am not sure exactly what I am doing, but I will make a go at it because I want a place to post my writing. First of all I guess I should say what this is gonna be. Mostly, it is a blog to place my poetry, rantings, and various other written spillage from my brain. That being said here is my first offering of said spillage...

The Little Boy Who Played It Coy
By:Jason Prosser
They live between the souls .
Embedded in the ashes and coals.
Shadow formed and hidden.
They torment me at her bidding.
They scourge at my flesh,
With no way to combine or mesh
With life
Burning away all the lies.
Smoke burns the eyes
and singes the throat
creating hazy rooms filled with ghosts.
My leash is slick with blood.
My prides lies back in the mud.
Lost boy...
Always played it oh so coy.
Broken soul...
Never destined to be whole.
I stand as the King of Fools.
Never playing by their rules.
Lost a game to the Queen of Hearts.
She of the razor tongue and false starts.
Champagne flowed like rains
As I lay in tatters and stains.
Falsehoods dance off her crimson lips
As she shakes her hips.
She dances to the tune of apathy...
As i beg her just to see me.
Now the game winds down
or maybe i just settle and drown.
In the darkness of her eyes
Or the subtle comfort of her lies...

Yeah so that was the first I hope to add more soon and hopefully whoever reads this enjoys it..